Carnation City Council Position #3 – Why I Have Chosen to Run

Today, I submitted my application for the upcoming election for Carnation City Council Position #3. It was not a difficult decision to make really. I presided on the City of Carnation’s Planning Board for several years helping to make decisions about the future building and plans for the city. It’s nice to see that coming to fruition in the new housing being built along with the upcoming Tolt Corridor project slated to commence. I interviewed to fill the seat of the late Fred Bereswell, my former neighbor and friend, and someone who I had vast political differences, which lead to the most fascinating conversations. I was not selected for that seat, with some relief, as my former Planning Board member and friend Ernest Fix – who was highly qualified, was chosen. It was the best thing for Council, and ultimately, as a contributing member of this community is all I ever want…what is best to represent the city and its future. Which is what leads me to today, the day I have decided to submit my application. Here is why and what how I plan to approach a role on the council:

  • I believe in a fair and balanced government which means representation of all residents – whether they just moved in or have lived here for 50 years with three generations in tow

  • I believe in the growth of this city, but growth that represents what Carnation stands for

  • I believe in working with all members of government – City Council, Planning Board, City Employees and representatives of King County and the State of Washington to find solutions to problems that face the City of Carnation and its residents and businesses who have chosen to put roots down here

  • I believe in showing up, being transparent and honest whether it is in person or on-line – my word is the same in all places. I don’t have an agenda or narrative. That’s not how I roll.

I have lived in this city for 10 years. I have been here through some of the highest points of my life, as well as the absolute lowest. And I have always had this “village” to support me, which is something you can’t find everywhere. I believe in continuing to develop that core value as a city and as an elected member of the city’s government as a Council member. 

Thank you for stopping by and for your support. Best of luck to all of the candidates.
